Saturday, July 12, 2008

Nueva Vizcaya - hot business lechon

Philippines,Pinoy,Filipino,Pilipino,Buhay,Life,people,pictures,photos,man, young, lechon roasting pig
Original Title: hot business
Thanks to: newsbreaker

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines


  1. mouthwatering, hmm....

    Anyway, we live in Singapore but my gf will spend her bday in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya on August 4, 2009. I've been looking for a way to order a whole lechon for the the party. Do you know how to contact anyone and order one? Thanks!

  2. happy bday to your gf. and many more to come. you won't have any problem ordering lechon. just save me some. ok. dont forget the sauce.
    best regards. BP
